Parent Participation: the key to the spirit of community

We are a Parent Participation School and we value, and depend on, parent participation and contributions. The Parent Participation Program is an integral part of the operation of our little blue school. The aim of the program is to create a spirit of community among families and staff as we work together to provide the best education for our students. Active participation provides positive role models for our children while teaching them the value of helping others.

The parent participation requirement is 40 hours per family per year. We recognize that some families may not be able to commit this amount of time to the school and those families that cannot (or would prefer not to) contribute their time will be assessed a parent participation fee.

There are so many opportunities to participate; such as helping out with playground supervision, being a “garden buddy” or a class parent, baking, telling the children about your hobbies or career, coordinating events like the Christmas Fair,  Walkathon, Sports Day – the list goes on and on… so many opportunities to participate!