ICS is the second home for our kids!

“ICS is the second home for our kids!”

Seven years ago, we planned to move from Hong Kong to Vancouver. The most difficult task was finding a new school for our two children. We wanted to give them the best start to a new life in another country. Our hope was that they would be happy, be the best they can be, and to prepare them to succeed in the world. We are grateful we found Immaculate Conception School (ICS)which has definitely given both our children the perfect start as students here.

We found ICS upon a recommendation from one of our best friends, who is an IC parishioner. We submitted our application and had our interview with the principal, Miss Foran, through Skype. (Yes we “Zoom” people rather than “Skype” them now.) We were so impressed by the way Miss Foran engaged with our kids. First started with our daughter, who was a very introverted girl, but Miss Foran encouraged her to express herself in a way she was comfortable with. To our surprise, our daughter sang a song to Miss Foran. Then it came to our son's turn. He was 4 years old and not cooperating during the interview. Miss Foran noticed his grumpiness was because he was tired. (It was 8 a.m. in Vancouver and 11:00 p.m. in Hong Kong) She asked in a gentle voice if he was sleepy. My son nodded and he started to listen. We saw how Miss Foran tried to provide an atmosphere of care even in an interview. We knew in our hearts this was the school for our children!

Then on the first day of school, Miss Foran greeted our daughter by name and led her to her Grade Three class. She introduced her to her classmates and made sure she felt welcomed. And our son got a smooth start in Kindergarten and loved the school right from the beginning.

There are numerous reasons we love this little blue school. First and foremost, we love the religious values that are immersed in their daily learning. Every day the school starts with prayers. They pray for their friends, families and the community.  From there, our children learn to care for others. We also love the culture of having outreach projects throughout the year. Students from each grade are given an opportunity to help people in need in our community or other countries. It helps them to develop a will to serve and to give. By participating in the outreach projects, students in ICS are actualising the school motto - they demonstrate the love of God by serving others. 

Over the years our children have been taught by many knowledgeable and caring teachers. The small class size allows the teachers to focus on each student’s strengths and challenges. Their learning is also enriched and extended through various opportunities beyond formal classroom settings. The Parent Support Group of ICS offers different fun activities to students every year. Our kids got the chance to explore hip-hop dancing, karate, tennis, gymnastics and Bollywood dancing, which definitely were unique and valuable experiences for them.

We also love the garden buddies program in Grade Four. The program is not only about growing gardens but also growing the friendship, responsibility and cooperation among the students. Our kids engaged in all aspects of gardening and shared with us how they wrangle the weeds, plan to plot, plant the seeds, and share watering duties. Of course, the most exciting part was the harvest party! The kids picked the vegetables and herbs and turned them into a feast! They made drinks with mint, green salad and roasted potatoes. All the parents were invited to enjoy the gourmet food prepared by the little chefs!

My daughter graduated from ICS two years ago and she always thanks the school for giving her the confidence and skills she needs to blossom in high school. My son is now in Grade Six, and there is not a single day he wants to miss school!

ICS has been a godsend for our kids. We haven’t regretted our decision for one moment. This little blue school is more than just a school for our children. It is the second home for our kids and the community for the entire family.