What to do if?

Student is absent:  Call the school between 8:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. and then submit an absent note. Submit by filling out the absentee form or emailing the office, indicating the reason (medical or vacation) for absence.

Student is late:  Call or email the school between 8:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. to inform the school office that student will be late.  Student is to report to the office when he/she arrives at school.   Students arriving at school after 10:30 a.m. will be marked absent for the morning.

Student is ill: Please check the Vancouver Coastal Health’s Sneezes and Diseases for information on when it is safe for the student to return to school.

Student becomes ill at school:  Student should speak to classroom teacher, who will advise the office.  The office will contact the parent/guardian for pickup.

Student is in an accident at school:  Student should immediately notify the nearest staff member or supervisor.  Any necessary first aid will be administered and parents or emergency contacts will be notified.

Student needs to use the telephone:  A telephone is available at the office for students and parents. Students must ask permission to be excused from class and must take the permission slip to the office.

Parent/guardian has a concern:  Speak to the student’s teacher first! He/she knows your child best and will hopefully be able to solve any problems and deal with your concern.  Speak to the Principal if the problem involves the school at large, or if you do not feel satisfied that your concern has been acted upon or understood by the classroom teacher. 

For more detailed information on school policies and procedures please see the Parent Handbook.